iPad mini – 改變尺寸不是創新?

在談論蘋果公司股價近日的跌勢時Jeff Gundlach, CEO of Doubleline Capital說了這句:


(原句:「Once you start changing the size of your products, I really think you’red not exactly innovating.」)

我並不完全認同這句,或許這句亦只是對Jeff Gundlach整個看法的斷章取義。我認為只要帶出新的用家體驗,即我們常說的UX,這就是創新,就算不涉及新的軟件或硬件發明,只是單純將舊有東西重新配置卻能帶出新UX,我都認為是創新,更何況iPad mini至少涉及了硬體的創新。

例如一點,就是成年人可以把iPad mini一手掌握在手中,


當然,究竟巿場是否有更高的期望呢?巿場說了算,don’t argue with market,就等等之後的聖誕檔期的銷情會如何吧!或許屆時千呼萬喚的Microsoft Surface Win 8 Pro都會面世。


Innovation is the development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in new ways. This is accomplished through different or more effective productsprocessesservicestechnologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets,governments, and society

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