In Creativeworks, we stand tall with foresight, helping our friends and clients to achieve their plans and objectives. We wish you and your family good luck and be healthy on Chung Yeung Festival!
Friends, we are recruiting Art Director. He or she will oversee the art direction of all the company's internal and external projects. As you may know, our projects cover a wide range of media, from a printed ad to a mobile app, from a leaflet to an annual report.CAUTION! We are a small, young and energetic team. While we enjoy the process, we are definitely result-oriented. We love to facilitate an employee-friendly working environment to ensure highest output will be delivered from you. In order to stay in the league with other giant agencies, we have our unique way to provide competitive solutions to our clients, and this requires your enthusiasm and passion.For details of the JD Read more [...]
近日看了一篇名為"Is Facebook responsible for divorces?"的文章,在坊間眾多圍繞社交網絡有什麽商機的研究下,有這些從社會角度分析Facebook現象的文章,都是一個不錯的事。文中引用了幾個研究,說明社交網絡在離婚個案中擔當的角色。例如Peoples Social Survey研究了2001年至2011年的16000宗離婚個案,當中列Facebook為離婚原因的個案佔比,由2009年的20%,升至2011年的33%。英國的離婚服務網站Divorce Online,在2009年至2011年間就使用Facebook去查探伴侶與異性的行為,訪問了5000個受訪者,Facebook導致離婚的首三個原因分別是 (i)給異性發不恰當的訊息 Read more [...]
We got some insights from Nicholas’s talk at HKUST in mid-Apr earlier this year. How about you?
自 Facebook 加入 App 功能以來,Facebook 用戶每天都面對著同一個問題;每天收到很多人的 App 邀請,如何決是否安裝該 App?該 App 的功能是甚麼?雖然在安裝該 App 之前會先問我是否同意讓該 App 對我的 Facebook 帳戶提取資料,但究竟該 App 的開發人員或公司會如何處理我的個人資料呢?這些問題往往令用戶對裝 App 卻步,而 Facebook App 亦成為一些混水摸魚之徒非法收取個人資料的手法。為了解答以上疑問,Facebook 即將在數週內推出 App Center,Facebook 用戶將會更容易得到更多關於 Facebook App 的資訊,發掘更多高質素的 Facebook App。手機用戶可透過 Read more [...]
Rovio has announced that Angry Birds can be played on Facebook, then share and embed to blog. Check this out!