We are creative people who focus in digital marketing industry. We are a small team who collaborate with other professionals to achieve results. We have established strong global business network across different specialties and industries.We help our clients to connect with their audiences. We enrich (y)our experience.Senior Art DirectorWe are recruiting Senior Art Director. The Sr AD will work with the team to design and implement marketing campaigns through a wide spectrum of platforms including web, mobile, tablet and printed media.
Responsibilities:Degree in in Design or other related field
5 years or above related experience, preferably from design/advertising Read more [...]
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We are creative people who focus in digital marketing industry. We are a small team who collaborate with other professionals to achieve results. We have established strong global business network across different specialties and industries.We help our clients to connect with their audiences. We enrich (y)our experience.Senior DesignerWe are recruiting Senior Designer. He/she is required to handle and execute the art direction and design works of the company's internal and external projects which involve a wide spectrum of media including web, mobile, tablet and printed media.
Responsibilities:Design of various projects including layout and user experience of websites, Read more [...]
We are creative people who focus in digital marketing industry. We are a small team who collaborate with other professionals to achieve results. We have established strong global business network across different specialties and industries.We help our clients to connect with their audiences. We enrich (y)our experience.Responsibilities:We are searching for Digital Marketing Consultant. Her/his main role is to assist Directors to:Handle clients' enquiry
Prepare proposals and quotations
Coordinate different parties including our clients and our service providers
Manage the Company's own marketing campaign
Handle administration worksRequirements:Degree in Marketing, Read more [...]
造作十足蛇吞象!造作工房祝您蛇年「橫財就手」,「大食四方」!以上是我們最新的桌面壁紙,請隨時到 http://www.creativeworks.com.hk/downloads 下載並為你的桌面增添新年氣氛。認得這條蛇嗎?沒錯!它就是名震江湖的貪食蛇,趁著蛇年,不如回顧一下貪食蛇的歴史吧!貪食蛇是 70 年代後期出現在街機及個人電腦上的小遊戲。以下是個人電腦 TRS-80 的版本,於當時這已經是很先進,而且畫面也挺豐富的,只從畫面看來難度一點也不低。直至 90 年代 IBM Compatible 個人電腦普及,要玩貪食蛇就簡單得多。若那時有一台運行 Read more [...]
无论你是运营一家跨国公司还是一家小网店,提起网上营销策略,Facebook、微博、微信等「社交媒体」肯定是你无时无刻挂在嘴边的。纵观不同的个人或机构在社交媒体的专页,有些有以万计的粉丝,每天有过百个赞好或评论,也有一些只有凋零的小猫三四只,说不定还是自己的朋友。无论如何,大家还是想要赶上这社交媒体的列车,可你有否想过为什么要上车,而上了车后又会达到什么目的地呢?社交媒体优化,概括的说,便是针对不同的目标群众,设计宣传内容及计划,充分利用合适的社交媒体平台,透过朋友之间的推介传播讯息,促进讯息受众的投入度。为什么社交媒体会变得越来越重要?因为使用者众。根据益百利数据分析,全球有用互联网习惯的成年人当中有91%有用社交媒体。而在中国这里,虽然 Read more [...]
蘋果公司的季度業績再次令巿場失望。iPad的銷售符預期,但iPhone的銷售則差於預期(4780萬部 vs 5000萬部的巿場平均預測)。事實上,一直以來巿場對它的期望太大。現在巿場關注,已發展國家的高端智能手機巿場是否已經飽和。若針對較低端的發展中國家巿場,蘋果公司又有沒有過去的優勢?投資者已投票了。蘋果公司股價在業績發佈後的收巿時段急跌近10%的逾11個月低位。對於一家全球巿值最大公司來說,這跌幅是駭人的。莫非大家終於意識到:Read more [...]
好吧,Facebook昨晚股價由最多升2.5%變倒跌2.7%收場,各位都可能估到這新產品似乎不堪一提。Facebook這新產品名為Graph Search。透過這新功能,用戶可以搜索朋友們在Facebook上分享的內容。舉例,你想到濕地公園玩,你就可以用Graph Search搜索「濕地公園」,看看有沒有朋友分享過相關的內容,例如朋友們在那裏拍過的相片。目前該功能只有限度地試行,而可以搜索到的事情包括相片、人物、地方及興趣,例如,你可以搜索「瑜伽」,看看有沒有朋友或朋友的朋友都在其興趣欄中加入了「瑜伽」。命名為Graph Search,因為Facebook稱它的龐大數據庫為「social Read more [...]
看了一篇名為All Revenue is Not Created Equal: The Keys to the 10X Revenue Club的文章,文章題目帶出了它的主題,就是一家公司如何能享有相當於營業額的十倍(即10X)的高估值,文中例出122家大型互聯網公司,只有5家能享有超出10X的高估值。公司估值高低不是我們本篇想要探討的重點。作為創意營銷團隊,我們對經營生意有很大的好奇心,認為該文談到的十點高估值公司的特徵,十分值得我們探討。老實說,這十點都並非甚麽高深秘技,很多讀工商管理的同學都會知道,但當我們實際去經營一門生意時,又是否認真分析過該門生意在以下十點中所身處的位置呢?1. Read more [...]
原生廣告(native advertising)開始主導?