Is there any language barrier in blogging?

“I wish posts were made in both Chinese and English so I could understand.”

This was a comment from my friend who doesn’t understand Chinese.

I did write in English, well, 1 out of 100 posts. I wrote most of the contents for my blockchain startup Forbole in English, such as this post about distributed trust. The biggest obstacle is, of course, my fear of making grammar mistakes.

The second obstacle is time. Translating an article which is originally written in one’s native language into one’s second language consumes at least double of the time as creating that article.

But after I got the above comment, my fear has gone. In fact, who really care if I used a wrong preposition or tense?

Write, just write. The 200+ blog posts I wrote in these five years deserve a wider audience. I know all of you my friend will correct my English and make me a better blogger 🙂

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