Cosmos-SDK Alpha Release

Just like most of the blockchain startups, we thought that Ethereum was our home. But we were wrong. Ethereum maybe convenient for an ICO. But we also need scalability if we truly want to have more feasible blockchain concepts to become reality .

When we heard of Cosmos (and the consensus engine Tendermint), it was like Newton’s apple. It has solved our puzzle about Ethereum, in the blink of an eye. This has even changed my entire view about ICOs, of which most “startups” are mainly based on Ethereum – and most of them will never deliver a sound product except a sound smart contract based on Ethereum.

In fact, this is the very reason why most of them choose Ethereum. ICO, and ICO only.

Shifting from Ethereum to Cosmos has delayed our progress by 1-2 month. It worths. I cannot say Cosmos is like the 11th dimension of our universe, but it is at least one dimension beyond the current dimension of the blockchain universe.

Some people say blockchain is the new internet. How about Cosmos? Cosmos is the internet of blockchain.

Here’s the official blog post from Cosmos.

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