Jobs Description of Senior/Web Developer
Responsibilities:Develop mobile applications and websites
Work closely with client servicing team
Candidate with less/no experience will be considered as Programmer TraineeRequirements:Degree holder in computer science, information technology or related disciplines
3-6 years of web development experience in PHP design or related field
Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Ajax
Hands-on experience in any of the following Applications or FrameworksDrupal
Yii Framework
Genesis Framework
Gantry Framework
Facebook API
Mobile Application Development
Responsive Website Development
Hardworking, Read more [...]
Hi, we are recruiting a Marketing Assistant to support our team. The Marketing Assistant will assist seniors to:Handle administration and clerical works
Manage office operations like answering phone call and managing office supplies
Handle client enquiry
Other tasks as assigned by seniorsRequirements:Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in relevant disciplines
Self-motivated, detail-minded and well-organized
Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese
1-2 years of relevant working experiencesTo conclude, this is an assistant/apprentice role in a boutique creative agency like us. Under guidance of seniors, the Marketing Assistant will provide all-round supporting Read more [...]
【ANA 香港白金 VISA 卡客戶推薦計劃】(English here) 造作工房很榮幸能協助 ANA 推展其「ANA 香港白金 VISA 卡客戶推薦計劃」!於推廣期內,現有持卡人如成功推薦親友申請 ANA 香港白金 VISA 卡,便可獲奬賞里數;而合資格的受薦人將可獲得超市現金券及奬賞里數。有關條款及細則,大家可參閱以下網址:理論上,參與者有機會獲得的里數最高上限為 17,000分,足以換取 ANA 日本經濟客位的來回奬賞機票* !
* 奬賞機票所需里數視乎出發日期及距離而定,詳情請瀏覽ANA網頁: 林肇峰 Read more [...]
【ANA Card Member Get Member Program】(中文按此) This is our pleasure to help ANA in launching this ANA Card Member Get Member Program!Through this Program, ANA CARD HONG KONG cardholder can get bonus miles by referring new cardholder. The new cardholder will also get supermarket cash coupon & bonus miles upon successful application! Please visit below website for more details:, one may get up to 17,000 miles which rewards you Return tickets to Japan*!* Required mileage of an award ticket is depends on the departure date and distance. For detail, please refer to ANA website: Terence Read more [...]
Hi, we are recruiting an Executive Assistant to support our team:Responsibilities:Manages office operations;
Handles phone call and clerical works;
Handles data entry, collection and management, copywriting and other types of duties which are related to marketing;
Acts as assistant to directorsRequirements:Self-motivated, detail-minded and well-organized
Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese
1-2 years of relevant working experiencesInterested candidates please send full resume with current and expected salary to [email protected]. For more about us, please Since Read more [...]
(中文按此) Organized since 1977, the Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest (YDC) aims to cultivate and promote a new generation of fashion design talents for the local garment and fashion industry, whose ideas will further enhance the image of Hong Kong as a fashion design center. Hong Kong has become a thriving hub for design and branded labels, the contest has become the most prestigious event of its kind in the region. Held every January concurrent with the Hong Kong Fashion Week and World Boutique Hong Kong, YDC is a major highlight of the events, the role of the YDC in identifying talent is more pronounced than ever. Its success is evident by the numbers of past contestants Read more [...]
(English here)「香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽」(簡稱 YDC)自 1977 年開始舉辦,至今已有 37 年的歷史。 一直以來,YDC 都以培育及鼓勵本地時裝設計新秀為使命,為業界發掘設計人才,並藉此提高香港作為亞洲時裝設計中心的地位,於每年一月的香港時裝節及香港國際時尚薈萃期間進行,是本地時裝界一年一度的盛事,也是同類型活動中最具代表性的一個。過去曾參賽的設計師,當中不少現成為了本地時裝及成衣界的首席設計師,部份則創立了為人熟悉的自家品牌。FASHIONALLY 是讓時裝業嚴選人才的視像展廳,同時是互相聯繫、啟發和分享資訊的地方。除了連繫設計師,FASHIONALLY Read more [...]
apm, Facebook推廣, Fashionally, Instagram推廣, YDC2014, 數位品牌, 時裝, 社交網絡, 自拍, 香港, 香港國際時尚薈萃, 香港時裝節, 香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽
我們很榮幸能見證來自意大利的全新護膚品牌 La Vivana 登陸香港!由 La Vivana 的品牌構思開始,我們就為其出謀劃策,隨著 La Vivana 位於香港尖沙咀的展覽廳於 12 月中開幕,La Vivana的活動將會陸續舉行,期望為大家在主流的護膚品牌以外提供更貼心的產品及服務。 La Vivana 是一套高效的護膚系列,完美結合珍貴天然活性成份與最頂尖的科研成果,給予肌膚最強大的修護力量。尊貴的美肌系列蘊含最高品質的雪絨花萃取精華,深入肌膚底層,令肌膚重新煥發青春光彩。La Vivana 由研發至生產,都致力於照顧主流品牌所不重視的環節,如旗下皇牌產品 Read more [...]
You know you cannot officially use Facebook in China. You know there is only 3.8m out of 250m accounts on Linkedin come from China. You know there is tonnes of fake accounts on Weibo. You know if you want to expand in China you need to apply local insights. Here is a brief history of WeChat... ...WeChat, according to our interpretation, is an extension from QQ. QQ is a China version of ICQ, which was (or is?) a prototype of instantaneous messengers. WeChat is another clone of mobile concept which initiated from Western world - WhatsApp. But WeChat also learnt from its main rival, Navier's Line and has gradually shaped into a brand new type of social networking service provider in China, Read more [...]