I attended the Facebook Hack Hong Kong 2012 last week. It was a full day event held in the Intercontinental Hotel. Many Facebook professionals were there to introduce us the most updated Open Graph API which introduced in Feb. It's the first time Facebook held the Hack event in Hong Kong, first time I met a guy from PhoneGap after the acquisition by Adobe and it's a full day of delicious food and coffee.Here are some points to summarize the event and new Open Graph API:Create your own Open Graph Actions and Objects
Performance update on SSO (Single-Sign-On)
Deep Linking on Native Mobile Apps
Deprecation of offline_access & publish_stream permissions
Create mobile app Read more [...]
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造作工房有限公司于2005年在香港创立,是一家数字推广创意团队,核心团队有近十年的巿场营销及宣传推广经验,尤其专长广告策划、品牌推广、网络营销解决方案等传统及新兴的推广手段。造作工房的宗旨是「丰富您的体验」,希望结合多年来在创意行业的经验、广大的环球客户网络及对相关技术的完美追求,为内地的品牌引进具国际水平的创意广告专案,协助品牌更精准地打进其目标客户的生活圈,透过直接及间接的推广策略,有效率地在目标客户中建立品牌形象。要具备天马行空的想像力,不易;要具备强大高效的执行力,更难。造作工房兼具两者,致力于丰富您的体验,为品牌带来意想不到的推广效果。 Read more [...]
Since I joined Creativeworks in late 2009, there have been a lot of changes to the company and to myself.The shareholding structure of Creativeworks changed a few times.Our office moved from a 400 sqft 50 yrs+ residential building in Causeway Bay to a 800 sqft refurbished office building in Kwun Tong.Our workforce increased from three (ie. all the shareholders) to eight.I joined on 1 Oct 2009, which is also the 60th Anniversary of the People Republic of China.Two years and a half passed, as warm up this might be too long. But I have to admit that I have not involved in the company in full gear, and this situation will also change. To me, the match just kicked off.As a Read more [...]