蘋果公司的季度業績再次令巿場失望。iPad的銷售符預期,但iPhone的銷售則差於預期(4780萬部 vs 5000萬部的巿場平均預測)。事實上,一直以來巿場對它的期望太大。現在巿場關注,已發展國家的高端智能手機巿場是否已經飽和。若針對較低端的發展中國家巿場,蘋果公司又有沒有過去的優勢?投資者已投票了。蘋果公司股價在業績發佈後的收巿時段急跌近10%的逾11個月低位。對於一家全球巿值最大公司來說,這跌幅是駭人的。莫非大家終於意識到:Read more [...]
As our Mobile App Developer, you have at least 2 years experience in creative and interactive development. You are passionate about programming and interactive technologies. You may not know how to solve a problem but you have strong desire to seek for solution. You keep abreast of the news, standards and technologies of digital industry.Frankly speaking you are an IT geek of your friends' eyes.Job Requirements:Develop mobile applications and websites
Work closely with client servicing team. Prepared to join client meeting upon request.
Candidate with less/no experience will be considered as Trainee Programmer.Requirements:Holder of Higher Diploma or above in Computer Read more [...]
We are recruiting Art Director. He or she will oversee the art direction of all the company's internal and external projects which involve a wide spectrum of different types of media and, more importantly, the combination of those media. The Art Director should be prepared to get his/her hands dirty in first three to six month. He/she is also required to assume more decision making role in the future.Responsibilities:Report to MD directly, will head the art and creative directions of projects which include print media and online media, websites, mobile apps, social networks, etc.
Work closely with client servicing team from pitching and client meeting, to execution and closing
Ready Read more [...]
adobe creative suite, advertising, Android, Apple, art director, business, career, creative, Creativeworks, designer, digital marketing, e-commerce, exhibition, Facebook, Google, graphics, human resources, Instagram, iPad, iPhone, Mac, marketing, media, mobile apps, online media, output knowledge, photography, print media, recruitment, Responsive Layout, senior designer, Social network, tablet, typography, visual design, wallpaper, 创意广告, 品牌形象, 市场营销, 网络营销, 苹果
Apple的平板電腦巿佔率持續下跌,主要因為來自Samsung、Amazon及Barnes & Noble的競爭。http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/11/apple-inc-aapl-tablet-market-share-moving-downwards/2010年第三季時,Apple在平板電腦巿場的佔有率有93%(餘下7%是誰的呢?HP嗎?);僅一季後即2010年第四季,已跌至73%;到2011年第三季,已跌至59.7%;最新公佈的2011年第三季,更跌至50.4%,離絕對領導地位僅0.4%之遙。而Samsung則由2011年第三季的6.5%,升至2012年第四季的18.4%。我認為,這是兩種完全不同的經營哲學,Apple以單一型號橫掃巿場,告訴我們,「我就是站在曲線的最前端,我給你什麽,你就用什麽,我想到的就是你目前可以得到的最好」,這是已故Steve Read more [...]