We are creative people who focus in digital marketing industry. We are a small team who collaborate with other professionals to achieve results. We have established strong global business network across different specialties and industries.We help our clients to connect with their audiences. We enrich (y)our experience.Responsibilities:We are searching for Digital Marketing Consultant. Her/his main role is to assist Directors to:Handle clients' enquiry
Prepare proposals and quotations
Coordinate different parties including our clients and our service providers
Manage the Company's own marketing campaign
Handle administration worksRequirements:Degree in Marketing, Read more [...]
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看了一篇名為All Revenue is Not Created Equal: The Keys to the 10X Revenue Club的文章,文章題目帶出了它的主題,就是一家公司如何能享有相當於營業額的十倍(即10X)的高估值,文中例出122家大型互聯網公司,只有5家能享有超出10X的高估值。公司估值高低不是我們本篇想要探討的重點。作為創意營銷團隊,我們對經營生意有很大的好奇心,認為該文談到的十點高估值公司的特徵,十分值得我們探討。老實說,這十點都並非甚麽高深秘技,很多讀工商管理的同學都會知道,但當我們實際去經營一門生意時,又是否認真分析過該門生意在以下十點中所身處的位置呢?1. Read more [...]
We are glad to be the digital marketer for iDelivery, a high-end food ordering and delivering service company provide you with over 10 types of cuisines which you can enjoy at home or in the office.Landing: Clean and clear UI, and of course, SEO-friendly and cross-browsers compatible. How the ordering and delivering of foods are done. We are sure you become hungry now. The full set of corporate identities of iDelivery and how restaurants can utilize this well-established advertising channels. ... and there is just too much things to talk about when it comes to the topic foods. About CreativeworksAs a Read more [...]
近期香港多了公司銷售增加 Facebook「Like」 數目的服務,我們樂意見到它們的服務已作出提昇,由早期的「僵屍粉」(就是純用假帳戶來替客戶增加 Like 數目),漸漸懂得透過優惠券來吸引真實活躍的 Like。這個月我們都有幾篇文章談論了近期 Facebook 的盈利模式的變革,我們希望綜合一下資料,並提出一些品牌在 Facebook 推廣上要注意的事情。先容許我重覆舊文內容。上巿以來備受股東質疑盈利前景的 Facebook,宣佈了一個新的收費模式,「Promote」,我用我們公司的例子作參考:亮點在圖右下角,如你需要宣傳 Facebook Page Read more [...]
We are recruiting Art Director. He or she will oversee the art direction of all the company's internal and external projects which involve a wide spectrum of different types of media and, more importantly, the combination of those media. The Art Director should be prepared to get his/her hands dirty in first three to six month. He/she is also required to assume more decision making role in the future.Responsibilities:Report to MD directly, will head the art and creative directions of projects which include print media and online media, websites, mobile apps, social networks, etc.
Work closely with client servicing team from pitching and client meeting, to execution and closing
Ready Read more [...]
adobe creative suite, advertising, Android, Apple, art director, business, career, creative, Creativeworks, designer, digital marketing, e-commerce, exhibition, Facebook, Google, graphics, human resources, Instagram, iPad, iPhone, Mac, marketing, media, mobile apps, online media, output knowledge, photography, print media, recruitment, Responsive Layout, senior designer, Social network, tablet, typography, visual design, wallpaper, 创意广告, 品牌形象, 市场营销, 网络营销, 苹果
谷歌在11月8日開始實行一個全新的試驗計劃-谷歌免費地帶(Google Free Zone)。透過此計劃,谷歌有望打開發展中國家逾十逾人口的互聯網巿場,而菲律賓是第一個實行此計劃的國家。谷歌會與該國的大型電網商Globe Telecom合作,任何人在免費地帶內透過手機使用Globe Telecom上網,縱使沒參與任何電網的數據計劃,都可完全免費無限量地訪問Google搜索、Gmail和Google+等服務,也可以訪問Google搜索呈現出的網站。我一方面佩服谷歌的前瞻性及探索精神,一方面慨嘆,除了谷歌外還有沒有公司有這實力,透過這種方式去開拓一個人口雖多但人均收入低的新興巿場呢?另外我對谷歌的產品經理Abdel Read more [...]
在談論蘋果公司股價近日的跌勢時Jeff Gundlach, CEO of Doubleline Capital說了這句:「當你開始改變產品的尺寸,我認為你並不是在創新。」(原句:「Once you start changing the size of your products, I really think you'red not exactly innovating.」)我並不完全認同這句,或許這句亦只是對Jeff Gundlach整個看法的斷章取義。我認為只要帶出新的用家體驗,即我們常說的UX,這就是創新,就算不涉及新的軟件或硬件發明,只是單純將舊有東西重新配置卻能帶出新UX,我都認為是創新,更何況iPad mini至少涉及了硬體的創新。例如一點,就是成年人可以把iPad Read more [...]
Apple的平板電腦巿佔率持續下跌,主要因為來自Samsung、Amazon及Barnes & Noble的競爭。http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/11/apple-inc-aapl-tablet-market-share-moving-downwards/2010年第三季時,Apple在平板電腦巿場的佔有率有93%(餘下7%是誰的呢?HP嗎?);僅一季後即2010年第四季,已跌至73%;到2011年第三季,已跌至59.7%;最新公佈的2011年第三季,更跌至50.4%,離絕對領導地位僅0.4%之遙。而Samsung則由2011年第三季的6.5%,升至2012年第四季的18.4%。我認為,這是兩種完全不同的經營哲學,Apple以單一型號橫掃巿場,告訴我們,「我就是站在曲線的最前端,我給你什麽,你就用什麽,我想到的就是你目前可以得到的最好」,這是已故Steve Read more [...]
We got some insights from Nicholas’s talk at HKUST in mid-Apr earlier this year. How about you?
Creativeworks Group Limited is a creative marketing company who provides integrated marketing solutions and consultancy services to our clients. We bring impressive user experiences to the audience of our clients with a goal to help our clients to achieve marketing objectives. We principally conduct our business in Hong Kong while we cover a wide range of clients including multinational corporations, local establishments, non-profit organizations and individuals.We are inviting dynamic sales professionals with strong industry knowledge and contacts to participate in our company's rapid growth.Responsibilities:Identify and close new opportunities to achieve sales target
Penetrate Read more [...]