我們其實已在 JobsDB 登了一個招聘廣告如下:http://hk.jobsdb.com/hk/en/job/executive-assistant-admin-officer-100003005187827(Recruitment Executive Assistant 後備連結)我希望用另一種角度再解釋一下我們目前的需要:雖然名為總裁助理 (job title 只為工作需要,可再議),但因為我們目前只有幾人,其實這職位更像一個管家的角色,除了輔助所謂總裁 (即本人) 之外,其實都要輔助整支團隊。
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Creativeworks is a digital creative agency based in Hong Kong with offices in Shenzhen. We provide integrated marketing solutions for our clients. We enrich the experience of communication between our clients and their target audiences, in a creative & digital way.
Executive Assistant / (Sr) Admin. Officer
Hello friends,I am Terence Lam of Creativeworks (Linkedin). We have restructured recently to become a 4-ppl nomadic style digital agency in HK. We are expanding and making some investments and JV projects. We need an Admin. Officer / Executive Assistant / Accounting Officer / HR Officer / Assistant to CEO (please pick a title you love) to join our journey.DutiesProvide full Read more [...]
Dear marketers, we are applying for a blank space on your CV to fill our name.
We are a boutique digital agency founded in Hong Kong in 2005. We are revising our business model by extending our digital agency services to Ad Tech, photo-sharing and cross-border e-commerce. So we are searching for experienced account directors (let's discuss the external titles later) that can grow our client base and cash flow.Responsibilities:Grow and manage her/his portfolio independently by meeting a set of KPIs which involve lead generation and gross profit
Requirements:at least 4 years exp in business development/account management in a digital agency that can grow and Read more [...]
作為香港設計中心 (Hong Kong Design Centre) 主辦的 2016 年 “設計「智」識周” (Knowledge of Design Week, KODW) 的網上營銷夥伴 (Digital Marketing Partner),造作工房創辦人楊崑、董事總經理林肇峰及團隊成員參加了該盛事的開幕及論壇,我們希望在日後能將在本次活動中學習到的以人為本的設計理念,應用至我們的用戶體驗設計中。香港設計中心主辦的設計「智」識周,今年已經踏入第 11 屆,近 20 位海外和本地商業及創意領袖,將會一連 5 天,分享以「新經濟 ─ 設計 ‧ 城巿 ‧ 健康」為題的經驗,並會透過不同案例,展示創新的服務及產品設計,如何協助公私營醫療、復康、保健服務及數碼保健產品,提升質素和效益、降低成本及強化個人化的健康服務,讓與會者掌握業界目前最新的發展情況和趨勢,塑造健康城市生活。關於造作工房
造作工房成立於 Read more [...]
(English here) 我們很榮幸得到香港設計中心 (Hong Kong Design Centre) 的信任,成為其主辦的 2016 年度設計界盛事 “設計「智」識週” (Knowledge of Design Week, KODW) 的網上營銷夥伴 (Digital Marketing Partner),除了協助其網站的設計及開發,亦會為其管理 Facebook 及 Instagram 的廣告投放及表現分析。香港設計中心主辦的設計「智」識周,今年已經踏入第 11 屆,近 20 位海外和本地商業及創意領袖,將會一連 5 天,分享以「新經濟 ─ 設計 ‧ 城巿 ‧ 健康」為題的經驗,並會透過不同案例,展示創新的服務及產品設計,如何協助公私營醫療、復康、保健服務及數碼保健產品,提升質素和效益、降低成本及強化個人化的健康服務,讓與會者掌握業界目前最新的發展情況和趨勢,塑造健康城市生活。關於造作工房
造作工房成立於 Read more [...]
(中文按此) It is our honour to be the Digital Marketing Partner of 2006 Knowledge of Design Week ("KODW") organised by Hong Kong Design Centre. We are responsible for the website design and development and the social media placement and performance analysis on Facebook and Instagram.Since 2006, KODW is an annual thematic programme that gathers the global design community to explore the big design debates of today, offers an opportunity for us all to to engage in a dialogue on how design can solve complex challenges of our society.About Creativeworks
Creativeworks was founded in 2005, headquartered in Hong Kong with branches in Shenzhen and Barcelona. Creativeworks provides Read more [...]
(English here)「既然被侵權是難以避免,何不先主動分享創意?」在中國內地,版權意識比較薄弱,這個看似不利創新發展的因素,能否被加以轉化為正面的事情?我們受外國相片分享平台 "Unsplash" 的啟發,建立 Lightmatch.es 平台。通過採用 Creative Commons Zero 的授權方式,各位可以免費及自由地使用在 Lightmatch.es 的相片,甚至不用標注相片來源。我們希望這平台能讓一眾才華橫溢的攝影愛好者大顯身手的同時,能通過分享相片協助到其他有需要的用戶。我們更希望 Lightmatch.es 能令大家更深入思索中國的創意產業、版權意識及契約精神的發展之路。今天是 Read more [...]
我們都知道視頻在推廣上的強大功能,但因為終日在忙為客戶做推廣,都沒空為自己做推廣。剛巧在本週二我們的創辦人楊崑在 BNI Element 分會會議中進行 8 分鐘演講,介紹「Facebook 再定位推廣」,歡迎大家觀看,更希望各位能給我們寶貴的意見,令我們在日後的講座或課堂中做得更好![divider color="#EEE"][/divider][column size="one-fourth" position="middle"][/column]林肇峰 Terence@Creativeworks
金融出身的 80 後互聯網創業者,熱愛把財務知識應用至互聯網推廣,用數字說話。
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(中文按此) Creativeworks is honoured to become the Cooperating Agency of Miss Universe China GuangDong competition. We hope to bring Miss Universe China GuangDong to the world.Since 2011, Miss Universe China, led by its CEO and one of the most influential fashion figure in China Ms. Yue-Sai Kan (靳羽西),has become the largest beauty pageant in China. More than a world-class beauty pageant, Miss Universe China is also dedicated to charity works.Creativeworks, being the International Digital Agency of Miss Universe China Guangdong, will be fully in charge of its social media platforms such as Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.We will also manage its official YouTube Read more [...]
(English here) Creativeworks 很榮幸能成為 2016 環球小姐中國廣東賽區合作機構。我們希望能將 2016 環球小姐中國廣東賽事帶給全世界。環球小姐自 2011 年成為中國最大的選美比賽,由著名時尚領袖靳羽西女士擔任總裁,環球小姐全國總決賽更被認為是國內首屈一指的豪華盛會。環球小姐中國區大賽將積極推動慈善事業,在為優秀並有夢想的中國女孩提供世界舞台的同時,更希望為更多有困難的婦女兒童提供幫助。我們會負責該賽事的所有海外網上推廣平台的營運,包括 Facebook,Instagram,Twitter 等。希望大家都一起關注 Read more [...]