近日比較少更新我們營運的近況,因為都做到無停手,不太容易整理思路 (其實是因為小弟農曆年後一直抱恙)。有鑑我們有一連串項目在籌備及進行,兩家公司造作工房及 Forbole 都在招聘,似乎有必要說說我們在搞甚麽。Forbole 是一家區塊鏈初創,上年 10 月成立,我們已在測試 MVP。與絕大多數搞 ICO 的區塊鏈公司不同,我們並不是用大家耳熟能詳的 Ethereum,我們亦不採用其他需要「挖礦」的工作量證明 (Proof of Work) 作共識機制的做法,而是用毋須挖礦的 Tendermint 作共識,並會加入 Cosmos 的 Internet of Blockchain 生態。畢業季節將近,我們正招聘一名全職的 Read more [...]
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區塊鏈世界,撇除金融機構內部研發的項目外,公眾能參與的其實就只有兩類項目。第一類佔絕大多數,就是只為圈錢的項目,九成 ICO 項目就是這種,它們大部份精力就是放在如何圈錢,包括寫好白皮書,找顧問,找銷售團隊散貨。這類項目的操作方式與香港莊家股的操作方式異曲同工,大家重點是如何投機獲利,都是找些早期投資者先進場,都是找一些顧問 (財演) 站台,然後找一隊銷售團隊在各平台進行銷售。他們的另一個特點是,絕大部份都是用以太坊開發,因為以太坊已有完整造幣生態,亦已公認為是 ICO 的發祥地。至於他們圈錢後會發生甚麽事呢?有一些項目最終當然還是會出來的,但絕大部份則長期處於只聞樓梯響的狀態。其實亦不難理解,基於工作量證明 Read more [...]
Just like most of the blockchain startups, we thought that Ethereum was our home. But we were wrong. Ethereum maybe convenient for an ICO. But we also need scalability if we truly want to have more feasible blockchain concepts to become reality .When we heard of Cosmos (and the consensus engine Tendermint), it was like Newton's apple. It has solved our puzzle about Ethereum, in the blink of an eye. This has even changed my entire view about ICOs, of which most "startups" are mainly based on Ethereum - and most of them will never deliver a sound product except a sound smart contract based on Ethereum.In fact, this is the very reason why most of them choose Ethereum. ICO, and ICO only.Shifting Read more [...]