作為我們首個自營的移動互聯產品,相片共享平台 Lightmatch.io 已升級並再次啟動!除了名字改為 Lightmatch.io,並配上全新 logo 之外,我們更首次以 Meteor 作全面的開發,一次過將全響應式網站 、iPhone 以及 Android 的手機應用程式搞定,大家可以點擊以下連結瀏覽或下載:Lightmatch.io 網站Lightmatch.io iPhone 手機應用程式Lightmatch.io Android 手機應用程式Lightmatch.io 是由網上推廣服務公司 Creativeworks 自行開發及營運的相片共享平台。Lightmatch.io 採用「公眾領域貢獻宣告」(Creative Common Zero,CC0)的條款,用戶在此上載的原創相片將自動按 Read more [...]
蘋果公司的季度業績再次令巿場失望。iPad的銷售符預期,但iPhone的銷售則差於預期(4780萬部 vs 5000萬部的巿場平均預測)。事實上,一直以來巿場對它的期望太大。現在巿場關注,已發展國家的高端智能手機巿場是否已經飽和。若針對較低端的發展中國家巿場,蘋果公司又有沒有過去的優勢?投資者已投票了。蘋果公司股價在業績發佈後的收巿時段急跌近10%的逾11個月低位。對於一家全球巿值最大公司來說,這跌幅是駭人的。莫非大家終於意識到:Read more [...]
原生廣告(native advertising)開始主導?
As our Mobile App Developer, you have at least 2 years experience in creative and interactive development. You are passionate about programming and interactive technologies. You may not know how to solve a problem but you have strong desire to seek for solution. You keep abreast of the news, standards and technologies of digital industry.Frankly speaking you are an IT geek of your friends' eyes.Job Requirements:Develop mobile applications and websites
Work closely with client servicing team. Prepared to join client meeting upon request.
Candidate with less/no experience will be considered as Trainee Programmer.Requirements:Holder of Higher Diploma or above in Computer Read more [...]
We are recruiting Art Director. He or she will oversee the art direction of all the company's internal and external projects which involve a wide spectrum of different types of media and, more importantly, the combination of those media. The Art Director should be prepared to get his/her hands dirty in first three to six month. He/she is also required to assume more decision making role in the future.Responsibilities:Report to MD directly, will head the art and creative directions of projects which include print media and online media, websites, mobile apps, social networks, etc.
Work closely with client servicing team from pitching and client meeting, to execution and closing
Ready Read more [...]
adobe creative suite, advertising, Android, Apple, art director, business, career, creative, Creativeworks, designer, digital marketing, e-commerce, exhibition, Facebook, Google, graphics, human resources, Instagram, iPad, iPhone, Mac, marketing, media, mobile apps, online media, output knowledge, photography, print media, recruitment, Responsive Layout, senior designer, Social network, tablet, typography, visual design, wallpaper, 创意广告, 品牌形象, 市场营销, 网络营销, 苹果
谷歌在11月8日開始實行一個全新的試驗計劃-谷歌免費地帶(Google Free Zone)。透過此計劃,谷歌有望打開發展中國家逾十逾人口的互聯網巿場,而菲律賓是第一個實行此計劃的國家。谷歌會與該國的大型電網商Globe Telecom合作,任何人在免費地帶內透過手機使用Globe Telecom上網,縱使沒參與任何電網的數據計劃,都可完全免費無限量地訪問Google搜索、Gmail和Google+等服務,也可以訪問Google搜索呈現出的網站。我一方面佩服谷歌的前瞻性及探索精神,一方面慨嘆,除了谷歌外還有沒有公司有這實力,透過這種方式去開拓一個人口雖多但人均收入低的新興巿場呢?另外我對谷歌的產品經理Abdel Read more [...]
Facebook公佈了上巿後第二份季度業績,繼續錄得虧損,但因為移動廣告的貢獻超出巿場預期,令股價大升20%,似乎是上巿以來股價表現最佳的一天。這裏不是研究股票表現的地方,我們較在意的是CEO Mark Zuckerberg的言論:"our opportunity on mobile is the most misunderstood aspect of Facebook today." He also complained that company watchers were looking at numbers from earlier in the year, "when we weren't really trying yet" on mobile.我們在日常生活都經常能留意到,很多人在用(玩?)手機,而且在手機上用FB的實在大有人在(不是鼓勵各位故意偷看別人,但Facebook的"signature Read more [...]
自 Facebook 加入 App 功能以來,Facebook 用戶每天都面對著同一個問題;每天收到很多人的 App 邀請,如何決是否安裝該 App?該 App 的功能是甚麼?雖然在安裝該 App 之前會先問我是否同意讓該 App 對我的 Facebook 帳戶提取資料,但究竟該 App 的開發人員或公司會如何處理我的個人資料呢?這些問題往往令用戶對裝 App 卻步,而 Facebook App 亦成為一些混水摸魚之徒非法收取個人資料的手法。為了解答以上疑問,Facebook 即將在數週內推出 App Center,Facebook 用戶將會更容易得到更多關於 Facebook App 的資訊,發掘更多高質素的 Facebook App。手機用戶可透過 Read more [...]
各位搞手機軟件開發的朋友請注意!Appcelerator 剛剛推出了 Titanium Studio 及 Titanium Mobile SDK 的 2.0.1 版本更新,這是自 SDK version 1.8 幾個月以後最重要的更新,功能及程式設計上都有了不少改進。SDK 2.0.1 特點包括:與 Appcelerator Cloud Services (Appcelerator 於 2012年2月收購 CocoaFish後的服務) 的整合
Mobile Web
新的 Documentation Site (這不再只是一個 API Reference!!)
綜合 UI 介面
更好的 Module API
Geolocation 有更有彈性的功能
Xcode 4.3 及 iOS 5.1 的支援
Android V8 更佳的記憶體管理及 r19 toolset 的支援我個人尤其喜歡他們對綜合 UI 介面的更新。以往編寫 Read more [...]