We are recruiting Art Director. He or she will oversee the art direction of all the company's internal and external projects which involve a wide spectrum of different types of media and, more importantly, the combination of those media. The Art Director should be prepared to get his/her hands dirty in first three to six month. He/she is also required to assume more decision making role in the future.Responsibilities:Report to MD directly, will head the art and creative directions of projects which include print media and online media, websites, mobile apps, social networks, etc.
Work closely with client servicing team from pitching and client meeting, to execution and closing
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adobe creative suite, advertising, Android, Apple, art director, business, career, creative, Creativeworks, designer, digital marketing, e-commerce, exhibition, Facebook, Google, graphics, human resources, Instagram, iPad, iPhone, Mac, marketing, media, mobile apps, online media, output knowledge, photography, print media, recruitment, Responsive Layout, senior designer, Social network, tablet, typography, visual design, wallpaper, 创意广告, 品牌形象, 市场营销, 网络营销, 苹果
Google 作晚公佈將他們新的雲端服務 Google 雲端硬碟 (Google Drive),這是Google又一次見現有市場有利可圖而發展的業務。Google 眼看網上硬碟如 Sendspace,4Shared,MediaFire 等用量其高,Dropbox 這詞更在 Mac 世界以外另立意義,不得不出手以擴展其雲端服務(Cloud Services)為名,在這塊肥豬肉上分一杯羹為實。當然,Google 一直是雲端服務的大阿哥(由最初 GMail 到現時很多機構都有用到的Google Apps,都是雲端服務),Google 不會就這樣照辦煮碗把 Dropbox 直接照做一次。Google Drive 與 Google Apps 和 Google+ 整合,可以讓不同用戶一同修改同一檔案,也可隨時就檔案建立相關討論,當然也有 Read more [...]