(中文按此) Creativeworks is honoured to become the Cooperating Agency of Miss Universe China GuangDong competition. We hope to bring Miss Universe China GuangDong to the world.Since 2011, Miss Universe China, led by its CEO and one of the most influential fashion figure in China Ms. Yue-Sai Kan (靳羽西),has become the largest beauty pageant in China. More than a world-class beauty pageant, Miss Universe China is also dedicated to charity works.Creativeworks, being the International Digital Agency of Miss Universe China Guangdong, will be fully in charge of its social media platforms such as Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.We will also manage its official YouTube Read more [...]
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(English here) Creativeworks 很榮幸能成為 2016 環球小姐中國廣東賽區合作機構。我們希望能將 2016 環球小姐中國廣東賽事帶給全世界。環球小姐自 2011 年成為中國最大的選美比賽,由著名時尚領袖靳羽西女士擔任總裁,環球小姐全國總決賽更被認為是國內首屈一指的豪華盛會。環球小姐中國區大賽將積極推動慈善事業,在為優秀並有夢想的中國女孩提供世界舞台的同時,更希望為更多有困難的婦女兒童提供幫助。我們會負責該賽事的所有海外網上推廣平台的營運,包括 Facebook,Instagram,Twitter 等。希望大家都一起關注 Read more [...]