記得自己在微信剛推出的時候就開始用,當時還沒有 WeChat 這洋名 ,用微信是為了在約會網站識女仔,微信在手機用,方便溝通溝通嘛!不過,微信推出後的相當一段時間,彼此交換的聯繫方式,仍然是 QQ ,而不是微信。我在約會網站上,見證了由「加 Q 聊吧」到「加微信聊吧」的時代飛躍。 當騰訊的超級實驗-微信公眾號推出的時候,我們對其充滿期待,而且都算是較早一批的微信公眾號經營者,第一篇發佈已是 2012 年 12 月時的聖誕快樂了:後來,騰訊收緊了微信公眾號的經營條件,需要實名認證,這對我們這類海外公司來說,是一大難題。再者,我們對如何通過微信作為營銷渠道,仍然有不少困惑,所以就暫時放下了微信一段時間。隨著我們的深圳團隊開始上軌道,大家再次描準中國式數位營銷的時間已經降臨,Time Read more [...]
You know you cannot officially use Facebook in China. You know there is only 3.8m out of 250m accounts on Linkedin come from China. You know there is tonnes of fake accounts on Weibo. You know if you want to expand in China you need to apply local insights. Here is a brief history of WeChat... ...WeChat, according to our interpretation, is an extension from QQ. QQ is a China version of ICQ, which was (or is?) a prototype of instantaneous messengers. WeChat is another clone of mobile concept which initiated from Western world - WhatsApp. But WeChat also learnt from its main rival, Navier's Line and has gradually shaped into a brand new type of social networking service provider in China, Read more [...]