You know you cannot officially use Facebook in China. You know there is only 3.8m out of 250m accounts on Linkedin come from China. You know there is tonnes of fake accounts on Weibo. You know if you want to expand in China you need to apply local insights. Here is a brief history of WeChat... ...WeChat, according to our interpretation, is an extension from QQ. QQ is a China version of ICQ, which was (or is?) a prototype of instantaneous messengers. WeChat is another clone of mobile concept which initiated from Western world - WhatsApp. But WeChat also learnt from its main rival, Navier's Line and has gradually shaped into a brand new type of social networking service provider in China, Read more [...]
Thanks to the recent announcement by Instagram that it will insert ads to users' news feed in the next couple of months, the debate on how to monetize Instagram has once again become hot. Marketers and advertisers eye on how this platform will impact on digital world. Before the roll out of Instagram Advertising, let's have some warm up exercises and see how Hong Kong celebrity Stephy Tang (鄧麗欣) used Instagram to promulgate her charitable photo exhibitions.Separated in two sessions total 11 days, "StepFree" photo exhibition, aimed at fund-raising for Make-A-Wish Foundation, was held in September at Causeway Bay and in October at Tsing Yi respsectively. Hong Kong renown photographer Mic-Go provides Read more [...]
Instagram 在歐美及一些新興國家如巴西、印度、俄羅斯瘋行,很好奇內地究竟有沒有一個 Instagram 呢?找了一篇一年前的舊文,但仍頗值得深思的文章:图片处理应用调查:中国版 Instagram 难成功 VC 观望很難節錄,大家自己看看,我們比較有興趣的是這幾點:「不被投资人关注可以让创业者更专心练剑,并在适当的时机脱颖而出。」
「国内微博等平台很强势,图片会遭遇审核、存储条件制约,使得短期内很难有类 Read more [...]
Instagram 在香港越來越盛行,但利用 Instagram 作推廣,似乎暫時未成氣候。究竟 Instagram 推廣,對香港巿場有甚麽意義呢?我們打算先作一些簡單的資料搜集。若你還不知道甚麽是 Instagram,請看此段。Instagram 於 2010 年 10 月由 Kevin Systrom 及 Mike Krieger 創立,是一個以相片分享為中心、並以手機為主導平台的社交媒體,到 2013 年再加入短片分享的功能 。Instagram 於 2012 年被全球最大社交網站 Facebook 收購,至 2013 年 9 月,Instagram 全球用戶達 1.5 億。到目前為止,Instagram 仍然沒有廣告,但官方已在本月初公佈會在未來數月開始將廣告放進用戶的時間軸。要概括 Read more [...]