Online dating is an interesting business model. I have used dating app since the time when MSN was still our major IM (okay, I confess. I would search for random female users on ICQ when I was studying in secondary school. Was that the ancestor of modern online dating?). Now, I mainly use Tinder.I wonder what other dating apps are doing. What are their edges? And why? Luckily I found an Esquire post which cited 12 Alternative Dating Apps To Tinder.But I have not found what I want. Since I have an idea of business networking app back to the year 2013, I wonder if this is possible to merge professional networking and online dating into one single concept. Out of these 12 alternative Read more [...]
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You know you cannot officially use Facebook in China. You know there is only 3.8m out of 250m accounts on Linkedin come from China. You know there is tonnes of fake accounts on Weibo. You know if you want to expand in China you need to apply local insights. Here is a brief history of WeChat... ...WeChat, according to our interpretation, is an extension from QQ. QQ is a China version of ICQ, which was (or is?) a prototype of instantaneous messengers. WeChat is another clone of mobile concept which initiated from Western world - WhatsApp. But WeChat also learnt from its main rival, Navier's Line and has gradually shaped into a brand new type of social networking service provider in China, Read more [...]
較有趣的是這問題本身觸發的散播(「viral」)作用:1,028個「動態」(「activities」,除了vote外,還有小量follow/like/share等動態。動態總數為何少過投票總數?我們都不知道),產生了20,288個散播。例如,Terence Lam投票後,他的部份朋友(不是全部朋友,按前文所說,FB於較早前的9月份說過這比率約是15%)可以在他們的newsfeed中看到「Terence Lam回答了xxx這問題」(類似的字眼吧),這個在「newsfeed中看到」其實就是一個散播。按這比率,每個動態換來了19.7個散播。我們較早前的問題「Can Read more [...]
Facebook公佈了上巿後第二份季度業績,繼續錄得虧損,但因為移動廣告的貢獻超出巿場預期,令股價大升20%,似乎是上巿以來股價表現最佳的一天。這裏不是研究股票表現的地方,我們較在意的是CEO Mark Zuckerberg的言論:"our opportunity on mobile is the most misunderstood aspect of Facebook today." He also complained that company watchers were looking at numbers from earlier in the year, "when we weren't really trying yet" on mobile.我們在日常生活都經常能留意到,很多人在用(玩?)手機,而且在手機上用FB的實在大有人在(不是鼓勵各位故意偷看別人,但Facebook的"signature Read more [...]